The Otaku

The Otaku

What is Otaku? Otaku comes from Japan; the meaning is close to “nerd” in English. According to Brian Alexander’s article in (2008), Otaku has evolved from meaning "techno-geek" to describing devoted fans that pore over Japanese animation and other comics-derived media. However, the meaning of Otaku has changed. In Urban Dictionary, otaku person has been describe as has nothing better to do with their life so they pass the time by watching anime, playing videogames, surfing the internet and don't have a life (no social life, no love life, etc). wedding dresses In addition, Otaku only use for male, female otaku are called fujoshi.

It wasn’t a big problem to be an otaku person because watching anime is not a bad hobby; personally, I am a big anime fan. Also, real otaku people have their own life; they have good anime or computer skills. Cocktail Dresses However, it could become a social problem when people start to stay at home and do nothing and don’t have a social or love life; these people are not real otaku people because all they care about is being lazy.

More information about the otaku people:

A. Age: Global Times reported that Asian otaku people mostly were born in 1980s and 1990s; some of them were born in 1970s. designer wedding dresses Also Last year, BBC reported that 40 percent of British youths were otaku, these young people are between 18 to 30 years old. (Global Times, 2010)

B. Images: Otaku have a certain look, or image. He has long hair, thick glasses, backpack, shirt plus a tucked shirt, raincoat, belt bag, jeans and sneakers. bridesmaid dresses plus size He is probably good at computers or anime. However, recently otaku people s’ image has changed.

1. They are slovenly; they don’t care about their hair and clothing.

2. They stay at home except when they go to work or school.

3. They like to watch anime and play videogame when they stay at home.

4. They are poor communicators; evening dresses they are too shy to communicate with people or don’t want to communicate with people.

5. They often don’t have social life, or romantic relationship. They fall in love with anime or videogame characters. (Examples: Marry with video game character and the Korean otaku man marries a pillow with a drawing of the anime character.)

6. They don’t have any real friends; maybe they only have few friends, and they only find friends on internet.

Par huahua le mercredi 13 juillet 2011


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