The problems in Tex-Mark

The problems in Tex-Mark

Tex-Mark was a subsidiary of Dell Computers in 1970s. Tex-Mark’s main products were printers and scanners. Except the production facility in U.S., Tex-Mark had production facilities in different countries which were Mexico, Scotland, and India. Tex-Mark was preparing to invest a new production facility in China.

Also, Tex-Mark’s many departments were separated in different countries. In order to make company’s operation more effectively, Juanita Roberto, Tex-Mark’s Vice President for HR planned to reduce the cost, also started a new expatriate training program. wedding dresses As a global development assistant in Tex-Mark, Eric Christopher could speak several different languages; had experiences which are lived in Europe and worked in SouthWest Airlines for few years. wedding gowns Eric was recognized few problems in the new expatriate training program. Therefore, Eric was faced how to persuade Juanita Roberto use his proposals.

The problems in Tex-Mark need to be faced: First, some expatriates couldn’t finish their assignment effectively. Second, expatriates didn’t have enough time for language class. goddess wedding dresses Third, the “interviews and conversations” wasn’t effective. Fourth, China is more different and difficult for any of other countries Tex-Mark had got into. Therefore, at “Reading Assignments” part, books won’t help expatriates understand and accept the different cultural well. The last one, How to make sure expatriates will stay in HCNs and TCNs till assignment finished? This was a a serious problem for Tex-Mark.

The solutions for these issues: First, every team should have a leader and a vice leader.

Second, make sure expatriates take all the language class, also double the language courses time. Cocktail Dresses Third, company should collecting the newest experiences and information from consulting firm. Forth, when the expatriates go to China, Tex-Mark should hire the local consultant to help them understand local culture, replace read books. Fifth, in order to avoid repatriation, Tex-Mark should have more benefit for expatriates.

Par huahua le samedi 16 juillet 2011


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